blue innovation.
in2sea LDA was created as a platform for joining the large experience of its founders in sustainable marine development. Our objective is to contribute to the new Blue Growth ambitions of Portugal and beyond, by concept and strategic development, engineering and feasibility studies, operational support and public project participation, as well as active contributions to the dialogue. Our key competences are marine renewable energy and low-trophic offshore aquaculture structures and operations, as well as strategic developments in new fields of the sustainable blue economy and combined offshore uses. In the following sections, our most relevant research and development projects are listed, in inverse chronological order.
For further information at this stage, please contact directly:
PRR "Vertical Algas"
in2sea is part of the "Agendas mobilizadoras para a Inovação Empresarial" (RE-C05-i01.01 - Mobilising Agendas for Business Innovation)" - in the context of the "Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência" (PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan)", contributing to the project "Vertical Algas", in the topic IMTA (Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture). Consortium leader is Inovamar S.A., and the tadk of in2sea is the conception and support in implementation and operations of the seaweed module of the IMTA arrangement, next to an existing finfish farm. The complete project sheet is in the link below (in Portuguese).

Sølkelp project.
The Sølkelp project resulted from an initiative of in2sea, to bring together two seaweed industry leaders, ALGAplus and Seaweed Solutions, in order to capitalise on synergies between their operating regions, Portugal and Norway. Focus of the project is to develop kelp (brown macroalgae/ seaweed) cultivation capabilities on commercial scale in Portugal, and extend the red seaweed cultivation season by using Norwegian waters for species cultivated in Portugal.

basepoint project.
The BASEPOINT project aims to validate the performance of a new energy conversion module philosophy ("Power-take-off") for wave energy devices. The module consists of a turbine developed in the context of the "Symphony" device by the Dutch company Teamwork Technology, an associated partner of the project.